November 14th Meeting Notes
• MEMBERS Present (at Carson Tahoe Hospital’s Juniper Rm.): Mary A., Carol B., Jeanne BP, Barbara C, Leslie E., Cheryl G., Marge G., Joyce H., Amy FJ, Dolores M., Angela M., Jo S., Guests: Penny B., Suzie W., Shelly I., Erin A., Speaker: Sergeant First Class Michael Gargano – Reno Army Recruiting Station
• DIRECTORY Updates – none; new members processing later.
• MINUTES: NOTES from meetings posted as Blogger Update for review. Oct. approved as posted.
• CALENDAR: Dec. 3rd (in lieu of monthly Tues. night) – Holiday Social Pres. Barb’s with new group photo; Monthly Meetings (2nd Tues. 6pm Juniper Rm. Carson Tahoe Hospital) Jan. 9th, Feb. 13th, Mar. 13th; Bowers Military Family Picnic Sept. 8th, 2007; Natnl. Convention Tent. Sept. 18th – 23th, in NM
• BLOGGER UPDATES: hard copy with pictures circulated.
• TREAS. REPORT: given by Marge G. Balance on 11/14/06 $725.90 - detail attached. Approved: $150 reimb. Williams Memorial flags, $100 to Arlington Cemetery wreaths, $50 (2nd time) Gayle H. Cool Collars, $75 Annual Big Dipper Scholarship then change to $4 per member next year, $81 for Xmas shipping to 593rd in Iraq.
o Leslie’s son Henry is now at the Carson Recruiting Station and joined us. Youngest son William (Navy) heads out mid-February for basics.
o Mary’s son Chris will arrive Sunday for Thanksgiving family feast with wife’s Idaho family, too.
o Carol’s son Joe at Coronado until discharge in January to Nv.. Took test for Reno PD.
o Jeanne’s son discharged and is now on a beach in Australia.
o Barb’s son Patrick now on ship in Persian Gulf. Got 2nd degree burns in fire, but is ok and healing.
o Cheryl’s son Matt is in Iraq in small group as adjunct to Iraqi Military Police – thankful for BSM care pkg.
o Marge’s son Stuart now a teller at B of A and UNR Bus. Mngt. Major. Wedding plans in flux.
o Jennifer sent email that her son Justin is in Defense Language Inst. In Monterey learning Arabic.
o Joy’s son Chris on 2nd Tour north of Baghdad; taking boards for Sergeant.
o Amy’s son Nicklas in Coronado & works P3 airplanes. He’s married. Will go to Guam or Japan in spring.
o Dolores’ husband was Marine 7 years and now Natl. Guard in Iraq with 593rd. Son is Navy Chief in SD.
o Angela’s husband Darral was Marine and is now Natl. Guard in Iraq with 593rd.
o Jo’s son Mark sent thanx for care pkg. sent by BSM’s to 593rd in Iraq. Her other son Brent (only 27) had a stroke and now undergoing neuro work-up to determine cause.
o Speaker Army Recruiter Mark Gargano answered questions and discussed how his office can come alongside BSM’s, ie. supplies such as flags, information on casualty memorials, and federal funding available for support programs.
o Will do Trifold Brochure in ’07 to place at recruiting stations, H.S. / UNR ROTC programs, Chambers, etc.
o Business Cards to be developed for members to recruit and obtain support/supplies.
o Secretary Job Description broken out to Recording and Corresponding positions.
o Nominations resulted in the following slate: Pres. Barb, VP – Paula or Leslie, Rec. Secty – Suzie, Corr. Secty – Jeanne until filled, Treas. – Amy.
o American Heroes Hunk Calendar $15 at Record Courier.
Op Postcard: Christmas Holiday Postcard Drive: Postcards collected and contacts added to list. Will collate for shipping at Leslie’s Nov. 27th; Barb to do newspaper thank you; Jeanne hard copy thanks.
o Welcome/BSM to BSM: Joy shared prayer/support needs for mom with brain cyst; hospitalized husband.
o Deployment Support: Genoa Crafters’ Christmas goodies will be assembled with each member bringing 7 items to the Christmas Social at Barb’s. These care packages will route through mom’s to those sons/daughters in Iraq/Afghanistan.
o Blue to Gold: PFC Brandon Williams memorial at Douglas High well attended and awesome.
o Veterans Day - BSM’s were honored with Gold Star Moms Nov. 8th at Carson High ROTC event. This was an incredible experience and will be looked forward to each year with thanks being sent from chapter.
o Amy shared that VFW can provide Blue Star Flags as a service to moms for only $7.
o Dec. Agenda: Christmas Social at Pres. Barb’s. Election of Officers.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned following a closing prayer.
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