We’re a nonprofit service org. supporting each other& our children who’ve served or are serving in the military. We perpetuate patriotic, educational & social service; allegiance to the U.S.Gov.; the memory of all who’ve served in the Armed Forces; assist veterans' ceremonies; patriotic rallies & such; care for moms who gave their children to the service of our Nation; & uphold freedom, justice, & equal rights; We & the military represent all aspects of America.

Monday, April 23, 2007

April Meeting Notes

April 10, 2007

· MEMBERS PRESENT (at Carson Tahoe Hospital’s Aspen Rm.): Ana A., Jeanne B.P., Sharron B., Patti C., Barbara C., Leslie E., Paula F., Marge G., Amy F.J., Donna S., Suzzie W. Guest: P.J. D.
· MINUTES: NOTES from meetings posted as Blogger Update for review. March approved as posted.
· CALENDAR: Monthly Meetings (2nd Tues. 6pm Aspen Rm. Carson Tahoe Hospital) on May 8th & June 12th. Bowers Military Family Picnic Sept. 8th, 2007; Nat’l. Convention: Aug. 2nd thru Aug 4th, in Albuquerque, NM - additional information available from Suzzie or Barbara.
· BLOGGER UPDATES: hard copy circulated.
· TREAS. REPORT: given by Amy FJ. Balance on 4/10/07: $598.32. Income $40.00 from donation & new member. Reimbursements to Leslie, Sally & Marge. (Detail unavailable due to computer problems of treasurer. If you would like further information, contact Amy.)

o Ana’s son Gieorag made a surprise visit home when his boat was in need of a repair. The visit was short….but sweet! He should return from deployment “pretty soon”. Andrew has finished his first phase at Ft. Benning. He went to the Phillipines briefly but is returning for phase two of his training at Ft. Benning.
o Jeanne reported that Jason is enjoying living in his little studio while attending UNR. He recently was at Mom’s for a favored dinner of meatloaf and mashed potatoes, It’s always hard to tell who enjoys it more….the one doing the eating…or mom getting to cook for him!
o Sharron let us know she missed February’s meeting for something much more important….visiting James! He’s currently doing some combat training and will soon deploy. She also shared the happy news that her daughter is getting married.
o Patti shared that Nick is now getting to do the job he was trained for and is at FOB Warhorse. She’s happy not only because he is happier, but also because he is in a somewhat more secure area now.
o Barbara said that Patrick is finally off “cranking” duty (washing pots & pans) and is back serving in the wardroom. His ship will be going on some semi-local maneuvers soon. She also reported that his medical tests gave an “all clear” and no issues were found!
o Leslie let us know that Henry is doing better…but still has a ways to go. Please continue to hold him in prayer. She spoke highly of the medical care he’s receiving from the military J. Will graduates boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Station on April 13! Congratulations Will!! ….and the whole family!
o Paula was absent from our March meeting for a good cause too…..Josh is home from Afghanistan and she went to visit with him in New York. The five feet of snow they had there didn’t keep her away (I’d venture to say neither hail nor sleet nor dark of night….would’ve kept her away!). Josh is currently waiting to be a full time student. For the moment he’s driving an ambulance and being bored!
o Marge’s son Stuart continues to do well. Wedding plans continue for an August wedding at a church in Lemoyle Canyon in the Ruby Mtns.
o Amy told us that Nick is still “suffering” in San Diego! He’s having a rough time deciding between surfing and sailing….what a life! He will probably be switching stations in June.
o Donna is eagerly awaiting Deirdre’s arrival in a couple of weeks when she’s coming home for R&R from FOB Warrior. We heard that there will be some meatloaf cooking in her house too! Apparently Deirdre will be planning out the menus while flying home to keep mom busy in the kitchen. Deirdre is up for E-4…way to go! Donna says she thinks Deirdre’s deployment will come to an end later this coming summer.
o Suzzie’s daughter Jacquie is preparing for a big change. The general she was working for got new orders so Jacquie was supposed to be going off to Captains Career Course at Ft. Lee. However, just as she was about to leave Ft. Campbell for Virginia, she was offered a command! Later in May Suzzie will travel back to Tennessee to attend the change of command ceremony and see Jacquie take over her first command. (Be prepared for pictures at the June meeting!). Tawofik (Jacquie’s husband) is getting closer to the end of his Captains Career course in S. Carolina. He’s due home in June.
o Joy sent word letting us know that she misses us….and is in Hawaii. Son Christopher is due to get out in about 3 months and will probably move to Oregon.
o Jo was not in attendance because Mark is on his way to Las Vegas for his R&R from Iraq and she and her husband were on their way down to meet up with Mark and their other son to share a joyous visit.

o Barbara presented a proposed budget to be reviewed by the officers.
o Barbara proposed the formation of a new committee: Veteran’s Affairs. Responsibilities would include events such as the welcome home party for wounded soldier, Daniel Tingle, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day and other veteran related events. Paula has volunteered to chair the committee and both Marge and Leslie expressed a desire to serve on the committee. We will revisit this topic next month when, hopefully, more members will be in attendance.
o Barbara also proposed the formation of a Memorial Committee whose funds would be separate from, but under the jurisdiction of the Blue to Gold Committee. Funds should remain flexible to reflect the BSM’s level of involvement.
o Carson Valley Days – June 8, 9 & 10 – This year’s theme is “Patriotism”. Discussion was held and motions were made and passed to secure a 12 x 12 area at a cost of $100 for June 8 & 9 to set up a table to promote the BSM’s. We are also going to participate in the parade by joining in with Carson Valley Medical center. Look for upcoming information via e-mail and at the May meeting for opportunities to join in on the fun….and the work!
o Operation: Thanks for Freedom! A flyer was circulated about this opportunity. This is not a BSM group project. It is a 4th of July card drive for the Troops. Information to be forwarded via e-mail by Barbara for those who may be interested in participating.
o Guest P.J. (from Web of Support) shared the following information with us:
1. She is currently working on “adopting out” the soldiers from A2.
2. 593rd is due home in late August! (In time for our Bar-b-Que!)
3. She is currently working diligently to get all area Vietnam Vets cognizedthroughFreedom Team Salute. (The program she introduced to us last month and that she is serving as an Ambassador for). She is working with, among others, the American Legion to help accomplish this.
Please visit www.webofsupport.com for more information.

***** Congratulations to P.J. for being honored as a Nevada Hero for her work on behalf of the military and their families. We thank you and applaud you for all you do for our brave men and women and their familes!!! HOOAAH!


o As introduced last month, a local chapter of the national service organization, Beta Sigma Phi, has invited us to attend a dinner on May 10 and has invited us to share information about the BSM’s. Barbara will be attending and any and all are invited to attend. Any who would like to attend and/or speak about the BSM’s, please contact Barbara.
o 2007 BSM Yearbook submission:
Sierra Nevada Blue Star Mothers
In 2004, five women from Northern Nevada came together for the sole purpose of supporting each other and their children who had deployed overseas. In the beginning the group was small enough for the ladies to meet in their homes and local restaurants where they shared their stories, tears and laughter. Now, in 2007 the group has expanded to a membership of 33 active BSM’s, 1 Gold Star Mom, 1 Dad, and 7 associates. Operation Christmas Post Card has been the group’s main emphasis; nearly doubling their collection/disbursement from 2250 in ’05 to 4240 in ’06!
o St. Gall’s High Tea: A few members from the BSM’s showed interest and will participate. We hope next year to get more interest and host a full table. Tickets @ St. Gall Catholic Church, 1343 Centerville Ln., ph# 782-2852.
o Ntl. BSM President “Sew Much Comfort” ’07 Project has been passed on to Gayle Hastert. For information: www.sewmuchcomfort.org


o Deployment Support:
· Ana asks that we all bring 16 items to the next meeting for deployment support boxes.
o BSM to BSM Support: No report.
o Blue to Gold
· Paula reported that there are nine families to present with Gold Star Banners.
· Paula will be representing both Northern & Southern Nevada BSM’s in Elko for Raul Bravos’ memorial.
· All SV/BSM’s are invited to attend a Gold Star presentation on May 16 at the S. Lake Tahoe Police Dept., 1-2p.m. to the father of Brandon Williams. Please contact Marge with any questions or for further information.
o Welcome Committee:
· It has been decided that to curtail expenses, the welcome packets that have been assembled will only be given to new members.
o Operation Postcard: No report.
o BBQ Committee: No report.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned following a closing prayer:

Dear Lord, give me greatness of heart to see the difference between duty and their love for me. Give me understanding that I may know, when duty calls them, they must go. Give me a task to do each day to fill the time when they are away. And Lord, when they are in a foreign land, keep them safe in your loving hands. And Lord, when duty is in the field, please protect them and be their shield. And Lord, when deployment is long, please stay with me and keep me strong. AMEN