April 13, 2006 Meeting Notes
MEMBERS Present (at Carson Plaza Retirement): Jeanne BP, Barbara C, Marge G, Joyce H.
· DIRECTORY Updates given. Change Barb’s to bluestarmoms@charter.net . No mailer needed.
· MINUTES: NOTES from meetings posted as Blogger Update for review. March approved as posted.
· CALENDAR: May 6th Pot Luck Brunch Leslie’s; May 16th Monthly. No Monthly in June. All are asked to check vacation schedules for July / August dates to be set in May.
· TREAS. REPORT: given by Marge G. Balance on 4/13/06 $1,015.46 - detail attached. $75 Big Dipper Scholarship to national program approved.
o Leslie’s son Henry’s hand recovered and he’s out on ranger training. Leslie visiting over Easter break.
o Marge’s son Stuart got engaged. His 5 years (not 4 as stated in March) are up in May.
o Barbara’s son Patrick visits girlfriend 45 minutes from Granddad which is nice for mom.
o Joy’s son Christopher home on leave. Had term extended 13 months / will deploy to Iraq in July.
o Heather’s son Travis will see his first deployment shortly to green zone Iraq to do supplies.
o Comm. Structure / Chairs / Members will be developed by Barb and placed on blogspot. She’ll also look at a way to keep a donation section on permanently for in kind and cash donations for mailing/shipping expenses for deployment support.
o Update given on first meeting with 4-H to look at each other’s programs and ways to network. Op Postcard will be included in Clover Clips publication for service project idea to all Northern Nevada clubs to turn into extension office by May’s end for BSM pick up and routing.
o Welcome: It was decided to have chair sign all cards BSM so that timeliness can be maintained.
Deployment Support: Chairs gone – no report.
o Blue to Gold: Marge brought us up to date with services/thank you’s since last meeting. Freedom Memorial groundbreaking shared (attended by one gold star mom and wife) – disk of photos given to update blogspot shortly.
o Op Postcard: Members reminded to stay on top of postcards being done by their groups. Barb compiled wonderful administrative tools, ie. letters, contact list, etc. for project ongoing. Members please keep those lists current for this cycle.
o Cotton Patch Gospel Video of NV’s finest military tribute to be previewed during dress rehearsal next Thursday. Jeanne reviewed staffing for show schedule over the last two weekends this month for table display and audience/cast to write postcards to troops. Loose ends tied off. Director Jim DeZerga to make DVD of tribute set to Broadway score available to members. Contact him or Jeanne.
o PJ DeGross shared updates on her personal adoptions and Web of Support activities in progress or forthcoming: www.WebofSupport.com Soldier Adoption Program, Baking Cookies for Troops (cautioned to use Crisco vs. Butter to increase shelf life for shipping), KoloTV story on flags, and Reds 395 August Banquet for Troops like last year where community brought DVD’s, CD’s for buffet ticket.
o May Agenda: Vote on Wounded Soldier Donation twice yearly.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned following our closing prayer.